Request Return

If your order have any issue and Artefact Depot is to blame (ex. broken item) you need to ask for a refund.  

Our return policy is for orders that have been received correctly but the customer want to return for any reason.  To comply with the laws of most countries on online commerce, Artefact Depot allows the return of merchandise for any reasons at the discreation of the buyer. 


The method for returning goods

Any return must have been completed within a maximum period of 90 days after receipt of delivery by the customer.

The buyer must send returned merchandise to the Artefact Depot Office for inspection. It is the buyer's responsibility to pay shipping fee and send the goods by the carrier of their choice.

Only after receiving and inspecting, Artefact Depot will fully refund the order. The shipping fee of the return will not be refunded by Artefact Depot for any reason.

Before shipping, we encourage the customer to send us a picture of the returned merchandise to show its good condition. 

For security reasons, we give the adress of our office only after request.  You can request the address at

Thank for your trust.

Artefact Depot